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Von 8 Uhr bis 18 Uhr
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täglich 11.00 Uhr - 21.00 Uhr geöffnet
18 Loch SOMMERGRÜNS geöffnet
AIS Area geöffnet !!!
Driving Range : OFFEN (Mattenabschläge)
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Dear New Golfer
Does that happen to you also ? Somebody speaks to you about Golf and you understand nothing? Now, Golfers do speak another language like computer freaks or medical people. This is not an old retribution search but has its beginnings in English History. Here are a few short examples of speech armoury to get you started.
The measure of a players ability to play golf. Your total number of shots are counted over 18 holes. If the standard for the Golfcourse is[nbsp] PAR 72 and your score is 90 that means Handicap 18.
A german term for ripe or ready for the Golf Course. To protect the Golf Course and the interest of other golfers. A new golfer must possess a certain knowledge of the game Practical and Theory. This knowledge is then tested and when passed you receive a Platzreife Certificate and Handicap 54
Golfcourse standard. Every Golfcourse is given a considered guide to the total number of shots that should be played. Every playing hole also has the given guide. The PAR for each hole added together gives you the PAR for the Golfcourse.
a) The given starting area on each hole
b)[nbsp]a small wooden or plastic spike with a saucer shaped head, to put the golfball on. Used to make the first shot on every hole
The playing area between the Tee and the Green
A[nbsp]hazard desinged into the playing hole normally al large area filled with sand.
An area of short mown grass at the end of each fairway. The green is where our target is, normaly the hole with a flag in. On the green the ball is putted into the hole.
Driving Range:
A practice area on the golfcourse.
The daily price that you pay for a ticket to use the course and Driving Range
The equipment you use to propel a ball around the course. Maximum 14 Clubs are allowed.
A club with a large round head, with a slight angle on the hitting area. Designed to propel the ball long distances.
Similar to Driver but smaller. Does not propel the ball as far as the Driver. Driver and Woods were both many years ago made from genuine wood. Today they are made from metal, and are called metal woods.
A club with a head made of steel. The hitting area on each club has a different angles to propel the golfball varying heights and distances
These clubs are designed to propel the golfball very high but short distances.
The result of the shots you made
The playing result of a hole when you take 1 shot fewer than the given PAR.
The playing result of a hole you take 2 shots fewer than the given PAR
The playing result of a hole you take 3 shots fewer than the given PAR (Once i a lifetime expectancy)
The playing result of a hole you take[nbsp]1 shot[nbsp]more than the given PAR
The playing result of a hole you take[nbsp]2 shots[nbsp]more than the given PAR
The playing result of a hole you take 3 shots[nbsp]more than the given PAR. Normaly here starts the catastrophe
Hole in One:
A Golf shot that flies direct into the hole with the first shot. Normally on holes with PAR 3. Be aware, if you achieve this it[nbsp] is a tradition you must buy everyone at the club a beer.
A short, high shot to the green
A short, low shot to the green
A short distance shot. The ball is rolled over the green towards the hole using a special club called a Putter. If you play Crazy Golf or Minigolf you have an idea.
Short for Professional or Golf Teacher
Very important to learn this !! “FORE” is shouted as loud as possible for as long as possible when you fear your golfball is flying towards other golfers and may cause in jury or worse. FORE is a warning cry.